Okay. Not plausible -- I assume they're still paying rent, buying food, maybe even enjoying coffee at Starbucks -- but okay.
But a filmmaker recently sent me an email with a fairly novel -- and hilarious -- excuse:
"This project is a fully independent, self-produced work that was created without any external funding, commercial intent, or monetization. A fundamental principle of this film is that it remains entirely non-commercial -- this is not just a financial necessity, but a conscious artistic and ideological decision.
"For this reason, I am unable to pay submission fees, as doing so would contradict the very nature of the project. I kindly ask if you can offer a full fee waiver, allowing [redacted] to be considered in alignment with its non-commercial ethos."
Incidentally, this was obviously a mass mailing. I get many of those. Emails asking for waivers without mentioning my name or festival -- and submitting films that are inappropriate (e.g. submitting social dramas or romantic comedies to a horror film festival).
Festival directors don't like these junk mass mailings. But I suppose a handful of festivals might grant a waiver, so the filmmaker doesn't care if he annoys a few thousand others.