Friday, April 13, 2012

2012 Vampire Film Festival's Call for Entries

The 2012 Vampire Film Festival is seeking films from around the world, in "any language, any format, any length," including films covering the following topics:

* Vampire films and documentaries.

* Gothic films (i.e., pertaining to gothic literature, culture, Middle Ages or Medieval, etc.).

* Witchcraft and voodoo.

* Mythic horror (e.g., werewolves, ghosts, supernatural, dark superheroes, etc.).

* Anime.

* Music videos.

The 2012 Vampire Film Festival will screen in two cities: New Orleans (July 10 to 13th, at "the brand new A Midsummer Nightmare Convention") and Los Angeles (in the Fall).

Details at


For a behind-the-scenes look at horror film festivals and the festival directors who manage them, see Horror Film Festivals and Awards. This book also includes a directory of over 200 horror film festivals, and a list of festival award winners from dozens of festivals over several decades.

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