Thursday, February 3, 2011

Horror Film Festivals Book Finally Submitted

Last year I began research on Horror Film Festivals and Awards, my followup book to Horror Film Aesthetics.  This past Monday, I finally submitted the book to McFarland & Company. The book will likely be released in late 2011.

I expect Horror Film Festivals and Awards to be the definitive reference work in the field. I interviewed dozens of horror film festival directors for the book, and attended many of the festivals. The book includes an extensive directory of festivals, and a listing of all past award winners.

As for this blog, I plan to post notices and press releases from horror film festivals and awards (not all horror film awards are affiliated with a film festival), to keep readers current on their happenings.  Although I run the Tabloid Witch Awards, I am eager to promote festivals other than my own.


For a behind-the-scenes look at horror film festivals and the festival directors who manage them, see Horror Film Festivals and Awards. This book also includes a directory of over 200 horror film festivals, and a list of festival award winners from dozens of festivals over several decades.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Thomas, it was a pleasure assisting you with info from our South African HORRORFEST Film Festival -

    We also make movies and music, and here's our latest combo of the two, the horror-laced TERMINATRYX "Virus" music video (also coming soon in an extended short film version):
